020 8741 1940

Willie Garnett Big Band

Date: 23/2/2018
Time: 7.30pm
Price: £10 on the door.
Table booking (11AM-8PM): 07415 892 436

Another Big Band Battle is looming! ….TWO giant forces come together in the shape of Willie Garnett Big Band and special guests Stan Reynolds Orchestra. An evening of great entertainment is promised as both Big Bands will be on stage at the same time battling it out!…….. Keeping the GREAT Classics ALIVE! Great Crowd & Great Banter!

This special charity evening is on aid of the fantastic Otakar Kraus Music Trust.



The Otakar Kraus Music Trust (OKMT) is a registered charity, based in Twickenham, which provides music therapy and music projects for children, young people and adults with physical, learning, neurological or psychological difficulties, in the Boroughs of Richmond, Hounslow and surrounding areas. Music touches our emotions deeply and music therapy can enable those who find it hard to communicate through traditional methods to express themselves and interact with others.

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Jeden z najlepszych londynskich big bandow, kierowany przez weterena jazzowego, saksofonistę Willie Garnetta, ktorego kariera muzyczna trwa juz ponad 50 lat. W Jazz Cafe POSK występuje w kazdy ostatni piątek miesiąca prezentując brawurowo wykonany program znanych standartow jazzowych.

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