Friday 14 March 2025
“Evolution” is a mesmerizing new album by singer songwriter Marcina Arnold!
The album is a glorious body of work crafted over 3 decades of life cycles; it offers an intimate glimpse into an incredible artist and her creativity. The album shares a story of love, life and social commentary it provides a sonic landscape that journeys the listener from a sumptuous full studio production to a raw stripped down acoustic vocal and piano. The Evolution of an artist revealing creative depth and honesty.
• This album is not only a personal journey, it reflects a musical mapping of many years of writing and making music, of life, of living, and all the ups and downs.
• Co produced with multi-instrumentalist Eric Appapoulay who is featured all over the album with his incredible musicianship
• The album features a phenomenal line up of musicians, UK stars Byron Wallen on trumpet, Mussinghi B Edwards & Jason Yarde on saxophones, trombonist Trevor Mires, Nick Ramm on keys/synths, Tom Skinner on drums, Rowland Sutherland on flute, Scott Arnold on percussion, the late great Brazilian bassist Ricardo Dos Santos and a guest appearance by South African poet & percussionist Eugene Skeef.
Line up:
Marcina Arnold – vocal
Eric Appapoulay – bass and guitar, MD
Artie Zaitz – guitar and bass
Mussinghi B Edwards – sax
Byron Wallen – trumpet and flugelhorn
Trevor Mires – trombone
Rowland Sutherland – flute
Jackson Baird – keyboard/synths
Pharoah Russell – drums
Starlet - BVs
Plus, surprise guests
Marcina’s music defies genres, she has the language of jazz, soul, rhythm and blues, and folk deeply etched in her music and her voice easily crosses styles.
She has worked with some of the UKs finest jazz musicians including the late great South African Pianist composer Bheki Mseleku and was a lead vocalist with the British Jazz Hip Hop group Quite Sane led by bassist Anthony Tidd. Marcina’s roots have both a South Africasian & Celtic connection and she was steeped in traditional Scottish music from a young age. Her ability to float effortlessly across musical idioms is remarkable. Her voice is rich warm and striking a voice of brilliance!
„Evolution” to hipnotyzujący nowy album wokalistki i autorki tekstów Marciny Arnold!
Ten wspaniały album oferuje pełne intymności spojrzenie na artystkę i jej twórczość. Album przedstawia historie miłości i życia, a także komentarz dot. życia społecznego, zapewniajac unikalny dźwiękowy krajobraz!
To obraz ewolucji odkrywczej artystki, obraz pełen twórczej głębi i szczerości.
Podczas koncertu wystapi fenomenalny skład muzyków:
Marcina Arnold – wokal
Eric Appapoulay – gitara basowa, MD
Artie Zaitz – gitara i bas
Mussinghi B. Edwards – saksofon
Byron Wallen – trąbka i flugelhorn
Trevor Mires – puzon
Rowland Sutherland – flet
Jackson Baird – instrumenty klawiszowe/syntezatory
Faroah Russell – perkusja
Starlet - backing vocals
Poza tym, goście-niespodzianki
Muzyka Marciny wymyka się gatunkom, wokalistka posługuje się językiem jazzu, soulu, rytm&bluesa oraz folkiem głęboko zakorzenionym w jej muzyce.
Jej zdolność swobodnego poruszania się po idiomach muzycznych jest niezwykła. Jej głos jest bogaty, ciepły, pełen blasku i równocześnie pełen uderzającej siły!