Jules Faife males a welcome return to the Polish Jazz Café. Expect an evening of many Rhythms & Flavas…..Flamenco Strings….Zimbabwean Bass…..Indian Beats & Rhythms.
Jules will be playing tracks from his critically acclaimed current Album Compas, drawing on the many influences that have inspired his music whilst working as a professional musician in London for the past 15 years.
“Like a dish you’re tasting for the first time, I hope this album has a well-balanced recipe….
Soothing flavours, a depth of ingredients and the odd chili bite!

Ross Hughes
A tutor at the London Centre of Contemporary Music, Ross is a talented multi-instrumentalist (flute/saxes/bass/piano to name but a few) and has performed with Portishead since 2013. He is also a prolific composer and arranger, writing for BBC radio dramas and touring with Peter Gabriel and Aphex Twin.
Ant Romero
A specialist of Middle Eastern percussion and flamenco, Ant has recently performed with two of London's top guitarists: Antonio Forcione and Ramon Ruiz. He's also played with Spanish bands Radio Tarifa and El Hombre Burbuja. Jules and Ant met while accompanying classical guitarist Milica Davies earlier this year.
Zad Adda
Zad is a bassist with both a formidable technique and a rare creativity which enables him to explore a wide range of styles in jazz and World music. As well as recently performing with Jules at Ealing Jazz Festival, he was also on the main stage this year with Ramon Goose's Desert Rock at the Ealing Blues Festival. Zad is a regular fixture too in Oud virtuoso Yaz Fentazi's band.
Jules Faife
Hiszpański gitarzysta Jules Faife wystąpi w sobotȩ na scenie Jazz Café POSK z oryginalnym programem łączącym improwizowany jazz z hiszpańskim Flamenco, folkową muzyką dalekiego Zimbabwean oraz pulsującymi hinduskimi rytmami.
W programie koncertu usłyszymy utwory z nowego i cieszącego siȩ dużym uznaniem albumu ‘Compas’ zainspirowanego podczas pracy jako profesjonalny muzyk w Londynie.