Friday 8 November 2024
A Jazz Tribute to ABBA
Do you like jazz and surprises? Then you'll love A Jazz Tribute to ABBA. Dutch jazz singer Judith Nijland turned Waterloo into a jazz ballad and put swing to Money, Money, Money. The ABBA songs remain intact, but jazz takes over. And ABBA will never sound quite the same again.
They might throw in a few favorite Ella Fitzgerald standards to the program for a good measure.
Judith and her band played A Jazz Tribute to ABBA in sold out shows all over the world. And now they're back. Because this year it's 50 years ago ABBA had their massive hit Waterloo.
Line up:
Judith Nijland - vocal
Tico Pierhagen - piano
Pieter Althuis - double bass
Peter Weissink- drums
Judith Nijland is a jazz singer and composer. After graduating in Greek and Latin, Judith studied Jazz at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague. She released six albums and toured in Europe, South Korea, Indonesia and multiple times in Australia, Thailand and Japan. On stage Judith takes you on a journey and above all clearly enjoys interacting with her band and the audience.
Tico Pierhagen graduated in music composition and piano performance at the conservatory. With enthusiastic energy he plays on well-known stages throughout the world. Tico received a prestigious award from the Colombian National Ministry of Culture acknowledging his significant contributions to art and culture in Colombia.
Pieter Althuis studied at the Artez Conservatory and toured with many different bands in all over the world. He is very versatile and plays bass guitar as well as double bass. He can be heard on many albums and seen on (inter)national radio and TV.
Peter Weissink plays in a diversity of bands and orchestras from classical to jazz, pop, blues and fusion. He studied drums at the conservatory and is well-known for his distinctive energy. In 2022 he was awarded the prestigious Steve Gadd ‘Gaddiments’ award, a testament to his exceptional skill and dedication to drumming.
‘Judith Nijland is top of the bill jazz’ - Dutch Broadcasting
‘That A Jazz Tribute to ABBA turned out to be so extraordinary excellent is a result of the studious, professional and creative way Nijland and her band arranged the songs’. - Jazzflits
Video 1(“A Jazz Tribute to Abba” – Live in Tokyo):
Video 2(“Aurea Mediocritas”):
Video 3 (“A Jazz Tribute to Abba” – Album Teaser):
Video 4 (“Money, Money, Money”):
Video 5 (“Puella Ipanema”):
Jazzowy hołd dla ABBY!
Lubisz jazz i niespodzianki? W takim razie pokochasz A Jazz Tribute to ABBA. Holenderska piosenkarka jazzowa Judith Nijland zamieniła Waterloo w jazzową balladę i wprowadziła swing w Money, Money, Money. Piosenki zespołu ABBA pozostają nienaruszone, ale dominuje jazz. ABBA już nigdy nie będzie brzmieć tak samo.
Dodatkow, Judith najprawdopodobniej dorzuci do programu kilka ulubionych standardów Elli Fitzgerald...
Judith i jej zespół grali A Jazz Tribute to ABBA na wyprzedanych koncertach na całym świecie. A teraz wracaja, ponieważ w tym roku minęło 50 lat od wielkiego hitu zespołu ABBA „Waterloo”.
Judith Nijland – wokal
Tico Pierhagen – fortepian
Pieter Althuis – kontrabas
Peter Weissink – perkusja
Judith Nijland to piosenkarka jazzowa i kompozytorka. Po ukończeniu studiów z zakresu greki i łaciny Judith studiowała jazz w Królewskim Konserwatorium w Hadze. Wydała sześć albumów i koncertowała w Europie, Korei Południowej, Indonezji oraz wielokrotnie w Australii, Tajlandii i Japonii. Na scenie Judith zabiera Cię w podróż, a przede wszystkim wyraźnie lubi kontakt ze swoim zespołem i publicznością.
„Judith Nijland jest na szczycie listy jazzowej” – Dutch Broadcasting
„To, że album A Jazz Tribute to ABBA okazał się tak niezwykle doskonały, jest wynikiem starannego, profesjonalnego i kreatywnego sposobu, w jaki Nijland i jej zespół zaaranżowali piosenki” - Jazzflity