020 8741 1940


Date: 1/11/2024
Time: Bar 7 pm / music 8 pm
Price: £15 on the door and Eventbrite
Table booking (11AM-8PM): 07583969014
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Friday 9 November 2024

Chris Batchelor Quintet: Remembering Tomasz Stańko

For this special occasion Chris Batchelor has gathered a sympathetic and sensitive group of mature improvisers who have been playing together for years in various combinations. Together they will interpret the beautifully melancholic compositions of trumpeter Tomasz Stańko, from his early recordings such as Balladyna, through to the classic albums Dark Eyes, From the Green Hill and Litania, including Komeda’s iconic ballad Sleep Safe and Warm.

Line up:

Chris Batchelor - trumpet

Mark Lockheart - tenor sax

Liam Noble - piano

Dave Whitford - double bass

Will Glaser – drums

Tomasz Stańko first brought his eloquent lyricism to European jazz in the 1960s, gaining international renown. His career entered a majestic second act in the 1990s, with ten standout albums following over the next two decades.

When he first heard live jazz, Stańko concluded that ‘the message was freedom’. Over the years, his creative curiosity led him from seminal free jazz exploration in Europe to New York-based collaborations with cutting-edge American players, including Cecil Taylor, Don Cherry, and the Globe Unity Orchestra.

His meditative, brooding sound was instantly recognisable. ‘Nobody,’ wrote The Guardian, ‘holds a single, long-blown trumpet note like… Stańko’.


Chris Batchelor – trumpet: a leading light of the hugely popular and influential big band Loose Tubes, Chris has gone on to play with international stars such as Michael Brecker, Hermeto Pascoal, Sam Rivers and Uri Caine. He is a noted composer and bandleader, with Big Air, the popular avant-trad band Pigfoot and chamber jazz group Zoetic amongst his projects.


Mark Lockheart - saxophone: also a founder member of Loose Tubes, Mark has been at the forefront of British contemporary jazz for many years, performing with Norma Winstone, Polar Bear and as a soloist in Mark Anthony Turnage’s opera Anna Nicole. Lockheart is also an award-winning composer, currently leading the quartet Dreamers and has recently released his album Smiling for extended 13-piece ensemble.


Liam Noble – piano: has played with Anita Wardell, Harry Beckett, Tim Whitehead and John Stevens as well as recording and touring with cult minimalist composer Moondog. He has a long association with Paul Clarvis, and leads the trio that recorded the award-winning Brubeck CD, as well as a new trio with Tom Herbert and Seb Rochford

Dave Whitford - double bass: one of London’s most in-demand sidemen, Dave has played with artists such as Steve Lacy, Marc Copland, Bill Frisell, Dave Liebman, Phil Robson, Chris Cheek, and The NDR Big Band.


Will Glaser - drums: Will is a highly in demand drummer on the British Jazz and Experimental music scenes. He is a member of avant-rock bands Snack Family & World Sanguine Report and has performed with a wide range of artists including Nikki Iles, Henry Lowther, Stan Sulzmann, Kit Downes and James Allsopp.


Chris Batchelor Quintet: Wspominając Tomasza Stańkę!

Na tę wyjątkową okazję, Dzień Wszystkich Świętych, Chris Batchelor zebrał sympatyczne i wrażliwe grono dojrzałych improwizatorów, którzy od lat grają razem w różnych kombinacjach. Wspólnie zinterpretują pięknie melancholijne kompozycje trębacza Tomasza Stańki, od jego wczesnych nagrań, takich jak Balladyna, aż po klasyczne albumy Dark Eyes, From the Green Hill i Litania, w tym kultową balladę Komedy Sleep Safe i Warm.


Chris Batchelor – trąbka

Mark Lockheart – saksofon tenorowy

Liam Noble – fortepian

Dave Whitford – kontrabas

Will Glaser – perkusja

Tomasz Stańko po raz pierwszy przeniósł swój wymowny liryzm do europejskiego jazzu w latach 60. XX wieku, zyskując międzynarodową sławę. Jego kariera nabrała majestatycznego drugiego aktu w latach 90., a w ciągu następnych dwóch dekad ukazało się dziesięć znakomitych albumów.

Jego medytacyjny, ponury dźwięk był natychmiast rozpoznawalny. „Nikt – pisał „The Guardian” – nie trzyma tak jednej, długo dętej nuty trąbki jak… Stańko”.


Chris Batchelor – trąbka: czołowa postać niezwykle popularnego i wpływowego big bandu Loose Tubes. Chris grał z międzynarodowymi gwiazdami, takimi jak Michael Brecker, Hermeto Pascoal, Sam Rivers i Uri Caine. Jest uznanym kompozytorem i liderem zespołu, którego projekty obejmują Big Air, popularny awangardowy zespół Pigfoot i kameralną grupę jazzową Zoetic.

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