020 8741 1940

Alex Curtis Quartet

Date: 21/10/2017
Time: 7.30pm
Price: £9 on the door.
Table booking (11AM-8PM): 07415 892 436
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One of the most exciting ensembles on the current UK jazz scene, 2017 has been a exciting year for The Alex Curtis Quartet, receiving enthusiastic audience reactions to their concerts. Recently busy in the studio…Expect to hear a selection of fantastic tracks from their up-coming debut album “Patterns, Habits and Changes” and a turbo charged evening of great jazz!

The Alex Curtis Quartet was formed in January 2016 and features Alex Curtis on piano, Jon Shenoy on saxophones, Sophie Alloway on drums and Dave O'Brien on bass/synths. This group of friends had played together in various guises over the years but the highly enthusiastic audience reactions to their concerts throughout 2016 and 2017 are testimony to how well they work together in this setting. In addition to their individual instrumental strengths, Alex, Jon and Dave are all established composers in their own right. This combination creates an ideal unit with great creative potential and allows for plenty of stylistic diversity as well as a broad range of original repertoire. 2017 has been a busy and exciting year for this band which will culminate in the release of their debut album 'Patterns, Habits and Changes.'

Alex Curtis -jazzowy pianist z polskimi korzeniami, uformował Alex Curtis Quartet w styczniu 2016 roku z Jon’em Shenoy’em na saksofonach, Sophie Alloway na perkusji i Dave’em O’Brien na basie/syntezatorach.  Ta grupa przyjaciol grała razem w rὀźnych formach na przestrzeni lat ale wysokie entuzjastyczne rekacje widowni podczas ich koncertow w 2016 i 2017 roku są świadectwem jak harmonijnie razem grają.

Ostatnio zajȩci pracąw studio... Spodziewajcie siȩ usłyszeć selekcje fantastycznych utworὀw z ich nadchodzącego albumu “Patterns, Habits and Changes” i bardzo efektywnego wieczoru muzyki jazzowej !



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