020 8741 1940


Date: 25/1/2025
Time: Bar 7 pm / music 8 pm
Price: £12 on the door and Eventbrite
Table booking (11AM-8PM): 07583969014
Buy tickets

Saturday 25th January 2025

Imperial College Big Band and Oxford University Jazz Orchestra!

Prepare for an evening packed with exciting new arrangements, timeless classics, and incredible talent as two of the UK’s top university big bands come together for this very special performance at Jazz Café POSK!

Imperial College Big Band:

The renowned IC Big Band stands as the pre-eminent jazz ensemble of Imperial College London.

The ensemble is directed under the helm of Chris Dean, the current director of the esteemed Syd Lawrence Orchestra, and a seasoned musician in his own right, having recorded with music icons like Frank Sinatra and Quincy Jones.

With an ever-expanding library of hundreds of charts, from funk to fusion, this all-new big band with a refreshed line-up will bring to Jazz Cafe POSK the finest big band sound any university has to offer!

The band enjoys regular performances to a wide range of audiences, including sold-out shows at Pizza Express Jazz Club, Soho and Hammersmith's very own Jazz Café POSK. In recent years, the band’s popularity has even begun to grow outside of the UK, with invitations from the Montreux International Jazz Festival, the North Sea Jazz Festival and even a hit gigs at the Kunstfabrik Schlot jazz club (Berlin), the MOE club (Madrid), and other international stages!

Oxford University Jazz Orchestra:

The Oxford University Jazz Orchestra (OUJO) is a multi-award-winning jazz orchestra based in Oxford, England. Formed in 1991, the student-led group has gone from strength to strength and has spawned renowned musicians including trumpeter Mark Armstrong (now director of England's National Youth Jazz Orchestra), trombonist and arranger Callum Au, and English National Opera conductor Steve Higgins. Our members each year come from a range of academic backgrounds, but all are unified by their performance of jazz to an exceptionally high standard.

The University students that make up the Orchestra have always taken charge of its musical direction, management and general running of the band. Its members are passionate about the music they make, which encompasses a broad repertoire of Big Band and large ensemble music.

One of OUJO’s aims - aside from providing a musical forum for students from across the University - is to bring our music to as wide an audience as possible, and the Orchestra thrives in live performance situations, playing regularly in and around Oxford at numerous balls and social events as well as putting on our own sell-out public concerts.



Video 1 (“Cold Duck Time”- ICBB): https://youtu.be/gfkBfp-W9y4?si=SKsmMypKWeu8-qOR

Video 2 (“Love for Sale” live - ICBB): https://youtu.be/ehWhWxhnBek?si=Vk1Z8tRY-1Y6xonQ

Imperial College Big Band & Oxford University Jazz Orchestra!

Przygotujcie się na wieczór pełen ekscytujących nowych aranżacji, ponadczasowych klasyków i wspaniałych młodych talentów, gdy dwa z najlepszych brytyjskich big-bandów uniwersyteckich spotkają się na tym wyjątkowym występie w Jazz Café POSK!

Imperial College Big Band - zespołem kieruje Chris Dean, obecny dyrektor cenionej Orkiestry Syda Lawrence'a i doświadczony muzyk, który nagrywał z ikonami muzyki, takimi jak Frank Sinatra i Quincy Jones.

Dzięki stale powiekszającej się bibliotece zapisów nutowych, od funku po fusion, ten nowy big band z odświeżonym składem zapewni Jazz Cafe POSK najlepsze brzmienie big-bandowe, jakie może zaoferować jakakolwiek uczelnia!

Oxford University Jazz Orchestra (OUJO)to wielokrotnie nagradzana orkiestra jazzowa z siedzibą w Oksfordzie w Anglii. Założona w 1991 roku grupa prowadzona przez studentów rosła w siłę i zrodziła znanych muzyków, w tym trębacza Marka Armstronga (obecnie dyrektora England’s National Youth Jazz Orchestra), puzonistę i aranżera Calluma Au oraz dyrygenta English National Opera Steve Higginsa. Każdego roku członkowie orkiestry przybywają z różnych środowisk akademickich, ale wszystkich ich łączą występy jazzowe na wyjątkowo wysokim poziomie!

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