Friday 13 December 2024
Meier & Cywiński Electric Fusion Experience!
Nicolas Meier & Jakub Cywiński Electric Fusion Experience is a band consisting of outstanding musicians from the London Jazz scene and beyond!
Join us on the 13th of December to listen to Jakub Cywiński has worked with the world-renowned guitarist Nicolas Meier (Nicolas Meier World Group, Standard Trio) from 2017. They performed in many music festivals in the UK, Switzerland, France, and Germany.
They will share the Jazz Café POSK stage with the phenomenal pianist and composer Adam Dyer, and the extraordinary virtuoso Zoe Pascal on the drums!
Line up:
Nicolas Meier - guitar
Jakub Cywiński - bass
Adam Dyer - piano
Zoe Pascal - drums
UK-based guitarist Nicolas Meier has carved a reputation out as one of the world's most original and uniquely talented guitarists. Drawing from a love of Turkish, Eastern & Middle Eastern music, Flamenco, Tango and more -- all mixed with jazz -- Meier's versatility and musical fluency extends well beyond that, even. (... so much so, that his considerable talents drew the attention of rock guitar legend, Jeff Beck, who made Nicolas a mainstay in The Jeff Beck Group -- carrying him on two world tours during the course of the last several years).
Jakub Cywiński - a native of Poland, he studied music at the Royal College of Music in London (The Constant & Kit Lambert Junior Fellowship award). Jakub performs throughout Europe and Asia in collaboration with various artists such as Ola Onabule, Nicolas Meier, Janette Mason, Julian Nicholas, Duncan Eagles, Andy Sheppard, Ruta Di, Gianluca di Ienno, Przemyslaw Strączek Quartet, Piotr Damasiewicz, Maciek Pysz, and John Paul Muir among others. Jakub also appears as the leader of his own projects.
Adam Dyer is a graduate of Christ’s College, Cambridge and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Having grown up playing classical music since the age of seven, he took to playing jazz piano in his mid-teens. Following his time at the Guildhall he travelled to Scandinavia to study jazz for two years on a scholarship. He has performed with various well known jazz musicians, such as Bobby Wellins, Dan Berglund and Gregory Porter. In addition to performing also directs ensembles at Morley College and has hosted a jazz radio show on Phoenix FM. He has also worked with Bill Laurence (Snarky Puppy) as an arranger for his collaboration with the Morley College Big Band.
Zoe Pascal is a Portuguese drummer based in London since 2008. At 14 he was selected to study at Royal Academy of Music under the mentorship of Gareth Lockrane, finishing the advance level with outstanding results. He is a graduate of Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Zoe performed at major venues in the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Cape Verde.
Video 1 (Nicolas Meier – “Riversides”):
Video 2 (Jakub Cywiński at Vortex):
Nicolas Meier & Jakub Cywiński Electric Fusion Quartet to zespół składający się z wybitnych muzyków londyńskiej sceny jazzowej i nie tylko!
Zapraszamy 13 grudnia, aby posłuchać owoców współpracy (od 2017 roku) Jakuba Cywińskiego ze światowej sławy gitarzystą Nicolasem Meierem (Nicolas Meier World Group, Standard Trio). Występowali na wielu festiwalach muzycznych w Wielkiej Brytanii, Szwajcarii, Francji i Niemczech .
Scenę Jazz Café POSK będą dzielić z fenomenalnym pianistą i kompozytorem Adamem Dyerem oraz niezrównanym wirtuozem Zoe Pascal na perkusji!
Nicolas Meier – gitara elektryczna
Jakub Cywiński – gitara basowa
Adam Dyer – fortepian
Zoe Pascal – perkusja
Pochodzący z Wielkiej Brytanii gitarzysta Nicolas Meier zyskał reputację jednego z najbardziej oryginalnych i wyjątkowo utalentowanych gitarzystów na świecie. Czerpiąc z miłości do muzyki tureckiej, wschodniej i bliskowschodniej, flamenco, tango i nie tylko – a wszystko to zmieszane z jazzem – wszechstronność i płynność muzyczna Meiera wykraczają daleko poza to (... do tego stopnia, że jego talent zwrócił uwagę legendy gitary rockowej, Jeffa Becka, który uczynił Nicolasa ostoją The Jeff Beck Group - zabierając go na dwie światowe trasy koncertowe w ciągu ostatnich kilku lat) .